She Can Fly: a series

We spent last week in Lake Tahoe, which is a trip I just insisted we take… but I didn’t know why. It was one of those intuitive things. I found an incredibly affordable house on air b&b. It was a 70s ranch perfectly preserved and felt like stepping back in time; complete with a brass fireplace, vintage cookware and a record player (which of course Jimmy loved).

Jimmy had to work during the day, so the kids and I were off to explore. We drove the perimeter of the lake and spent our time hiking and exploring old historic mansions.

I had my camera the entire time, which was new for me since I’d gotten lazy and relied on the iPhone for a long time.

Having the camera forced me to really SEE so many things around me. I took thousands of photos.

The last day during the last few hours of the trip I took these. The images came all at once, and it felt like the universe handed me a perfectly completed series… just put it right in my hand.

One of my favorite quotes about Art is, “When the muse comes, let the muse find you working.”

I’ve been focusing on my art so much recently - in a new way with a different perspective. I’ve been working.

These images might be my favorite body of work I’ve ever produced. So much so that I’ve started submitting to galleries again… which I didn’t really ever expect to say again. I’ve been satisfied with where I am in my art career for years, so taking a step forward and reaching for more is unexpected and honestly exciting.

I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I do, and of course for any inquiries please just email be at I’d love to see them printed HUGE and mounted on acrylic.


The Walk by Blayne Macauley

She Goes This Way Alone by Blayne Macauley

She Can Fly by Blayne Macauley

Digging to China by Blayne Macauley

Eyes on the Prize by Blayne Macauley

Keep Going by Blayne Macauley

A Piece Of The Foundation by Blayne Macauley

The Perfect Shell by Blayne Macauley

A Moment of Reflection by Blayne Macauley

Supervision by Blayne Macauley

Kings and Queens by Blayne Macauley

For more of my work, please visit my website.