How to Decorate for Halloween

Screen Shot 2014-10-28 at 8.20.17 PM When I was 8 months pregnant (I forgot how swollen I was- yikes), Jimmy and I bought a new house in Garden Hills.  It is our dream home.  Every single day we walk in and think how lucky we are to live here.  Everything about it is perfect for us.  There is a "grown up" kitchen, fenced in backyard, 2 fireplaces, and a master bedroom that's better than any hotel where I have ever stayed.

2690 RR Front 2002

Before we lived in Garden Hills, we lived in a house in Ridgewood Heights (see our old house in the photo above).  Even though I was VERY ready for a fenced backyard and more storage space, I was a little sad to leave because I loved our neighbors so much.  The twins that lived two doors down were in our wedding, and my good friend lived across the street.  But hands down the BEST thing about our neighborhood was Halloween.  I've always loved Halloween.  When I was little Ben and I would practice Trick or Treating for weeks before the big day, ringing our own doorbell and asking for candy.  Carving the pumpkin was a major event every year, and we would work together making eyebrows or missing teeth.  That love for Halloween continued into adulthood.  The first year I ever lived in that house I made a massive deal about having the scariest house in the neighborhood.  I had dry ice, a welcome mat that screamed, and friends who jumped out at the kids.  Every year after that the kids would call my house "the scary house," which was a title I worked to uphold.


SEVERAL weeks ago we broke out the decorations at the new house - I have a statement to make.  halloween065

We have a full graveyard, a string of bloody knives running from the driveway to the lantern, numerous ghosts hanging from trees, three pumpkins, and a few bloody arms on the lawn.

Driving in and out of the neighborhood I've noticed that some of the neighbors really go all out on the decorations.  Yesterday I borrowed a new lens from my uncle, and Oliver and I started out on foot to try out the new lens and scope out the competition.  Let me tell you, these people are serious!

halloween001Oliver was not 100% certain about going on this adventure but agreed reluctantly.

halloween002We started in out own yard where I tried to blur out the fact that I have not been watering those planters enough by focusing on the very scary bird!

halloween003Oliver's first pumpkins with his initials.

halloween004Scary ghost hanging in front of our entryway.


Our graveyard.

We started walking...


halloween009This pumpkin pops open and closed.

halloween012I've always liked this modern house, and they really went all out!  I love the cobwebs everywhere.  We don't tend to do a lot of cobwebs, but that's only because I'm lazy about taking them down post Halloween.


The sign that marks Halloween central.


These people totally out graveyarded us!halloween016I'm so jealous!


Sometimes Mother Nature has the best decorations.halloween018

So many pumpkins, and if you look closely you will see the screaming face looking out the window!!  That took me a minute.halloween019Close up of the doorway.  I love the skull in the planter.


Better shot of the face!halloween021I love how simple this is... just  a big old spider hanging from a doorknob.

halloween022And excellent carving skills.

halloween023This is right out of a magazine, and their planters are perfect.


I like how they used the skulls next to the door and the pumpkins going up the stairs.halloween026

Super creepy!!halloween027

At this point Oliver was sort of over the exercise, but we pressed on anyway.halloween028

Jimmy hates anything having to do with the circus, so this jester would probably make it the scariest house for him.  Those cobwebs are perfection.halloween029

Love this originality! halloween031Here is a more simple southern kid-friendly door :) halloween032

Don't miss the collection of witches on the right side.


There is something so simple and classy about white pumpkins. halloween035

But also something wonderful about a mulit-colored skull surrounded by bats.halloween036

I fell in love with little casper here.halloween037

Amazing! halloween038

This was the single best decoration I saw.  An army of skeletons carrying a casket!  What's not to love?halloween039

I love this doorway as well.  I've never seen that color of pumpkin before, but maybe that's because its a gourd?  halloween041

This spider got his web all tangled in the bushes. halloween042


halloween040There is something so simple about this one- a nice American flag and a grim reaper.  Perfect.

halloween044Next year I'm going to have to get a huge spider and maybe a skeleton in a top hat.


Ghost tree.halloween046


Frightening skull in front of a beautifully decorated door with mums. halloween049 halloween050The bones can't quite get out of the grave because of the cobwebs.


UGA pride.halloween052


Just a little ghost trio.halloween054

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I love this hurst!halloween057

This is one of my favorite houses in the neighborhood, and of course their pumpkins look perfect!halloween058


A perfectly placed Halloween wreath. halloween060



And finally we made it back home.halloween063

"Get me outta this stroller mom, I'm hungry!"


One thing is for sure, even if my yard is not the best in the neighborhood, I'll certainly have the cutest pumpkin on Halloween night!

-Blayne Macauley

P.S. would you all please take a moment to like this blog on Facebook?  I would really appreciate it.  Thank you!

Winter Blues and Kitchen News ;)



This time of the year is hard.  Sorry, but it is.  After the build up and craziness of the holidays, January is a bit of a let down.  Not to mention these arctic temperatures we have in Atlanta.  Burrrr!  I remember this lull last year.  We were planning for the wedding in April, which seemed so far away last January!  Jimmy especially gets a little down this time of year.  He lives for the Spring, and in January that seems like an eternity.  Plus he still has to get through Valentines, which I think is hard for all men.  This year I made it easy by calling him and telling him specifically what restaurant I wanted to go to (Gunshow), and when I wanted to go.  Nice wife... apparently pregnancy makes me VERY specific about what I want to eat.


On the plus side, we had a fantastic trip to Jackson Hole!  I was slightly disappointed in the whole spa experience only because I did not get to lay on my stomach as I had hoped.  There was a wedge pillow on top of the table with a hole in it for my stomach, but my stomach is so big (you know I just loved typing that phrase), that I felt like I couldn't breathe.  I lasted for about five minuted before I gave up and laid on my side.  Pregnant lady problems.   On the plus side the food was FANTASTIC!  Fresh green kale juice every morning and all the gluten free toast I could eat, which was a lot.  I'm craving toast with jam these days... I heard it keeps you thin ;).  Mom and I did, indeed, catch up on some movies, and we watched several episodes of the Price is Right :)  The photo above is from the last day when we rode the gondola to the top of the mountain for lunch (chili and a baked potato).  The baby went too, as you can see.

Speaking of the baby, he is a papaya this week.

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I don't like papayas because I think they smell/taste like feet.  The first time I ever tasted papaya was about 5 years ago when my family went to Cabo.  We stopped by the grocery store where there was a BIG BIG sale of papayas, so even though we had never tasted papayas we thought, "when in Rome..."

My brother decided to use all these papayas up in a margarita... you know, just get really Mexican with it.  He was so excited when he served them!


Turns out the reason there was a BIG BIG sale on papayas was they were all rotten.  Hence the feet taste.   It was the nastiest tasting margarita I've ever had, and I vowed to avoid papayas forever... or so I thought.


On the last day of our honeymoon in Thailand, Jimmy and I decided to treat ourselves to spa services in the room.  Jimmy smartly ordered a massage, and I got a facial.  About halfway through the facial they wrapped my face in gauze and started painting that gauze with cold fruit goo, which seemed fine.  About 30 seconds later I noticed a horrible smell... like feet.  I was laying there wondering what in the world that smell could be.  Was it me?  Was it the facial giver?  Ahhhh  papaya!  My old enemy.  I laid there for 15 minutes breathing through my mouth vowing, "never again"... and now there's one in my stomach!  Yea!

I've made it through papaya week by trying to picture what baby Macauley will look like, which is how I found these adorable pictures of Jimmy.




Yep.  The faster I can get my hands on one of those the better... even if it means the baby has to be a papaya for a week.  By the by, I know I'm biased, but can you BELIEVE how cute that baby is?!?!?!

Speaking of passing time, I've also been taking some photos.  Last week I shot 634 Carriage Way for Glennis Beacham.  It had one of the best kitchens I've seen in a long time.  Jimmy and I have actually been looking for houses ourselves recently, and when it comes down to it the kitchen may just be the most important room in a house.  I know when I'm at home I spend at least 40-50% of my time in the kitchen either cooking or cleaning or getting some sort of snack (that's a recent addition).  Jimmy and I have a tiny kitchen right now, but we still both try to be in there at the same time... me cutting up veggies and him stirring soup, just talking about our day.  I know that was a bit of a tangent, but it's been on my mind with all the houses we've been seeing.  I really don't even have to see the rest of the house, I can judge it all by the kitchen.  That's why I was so struck by how beautiful this kitchen was!  Wouldn't it be the prefect place to hang out with your family and get ready for dinner or make brunch on Saturday.... one can dream.

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Pregnancy Gratitudes- Jackson Hole- 3955 Northside Drive

Notice anything different?  I have a new look here at This Photographer's Life.  You know they say "change is good," and it was time to freshen things up a bit.  This is a much more modern layout and allows the reader to navigate the site more quickly.  Please let me know what you think! Tomorrow we are headed to Jackson Hole, so I wanted to get in a quick update.  This trip will be much different than the legendary trip two years ago where I lied about my skiing abilities.

Ski trip

This year there will be much less skiing/falling, beer drinking and hot tubing.  Beer drinking and hot tubing are my two favorite parts of ski trips, so I'm a little bummed.  I'm sure it's fine for some people to ski while pregnant, but not me.  I'm actually fine headed down the hill, but I've been know to fall doing stupid things like standing in line. So coordinated.

ski trip 2

I am scheduled for two spa treatments.  Prenatal massages are the best things going.  This will be my second (I am also getting a facial to combat pregnancy breakouts), and it cannot come soon enough.  Luckily Glennis is going to Jackson and doesn't ski, so we will get a lot of mother-daughter time, which I assume will be spent in the movie theater.  I also plan on taking full advantage of ski-related food like chili and hot chocolate.  Lastly, Jimmy got a new ski helmet, so there is a lot to celebrate.  Have you seen the old one from 1993 (see above)? Bowling ball.

Baby update.


The baby is a banana this week, which is uber depressing.  Going from a cantaloupe to a banana  makes no sense to me, but it has to do with hitting the 20th week and beginning to count the legs, which were not counted previously...  blah blah blah, I want that baby to get bigger, not skinnier.  Nobody likes a skinny banana baby.

Here is a quick list of things Pregnant Blayne is thankful for:

1. Pregnant Friends

Friends who are pregnant are THE BEST whilst pregnant.  They keep you from losing your mind.  The strangest stuff happens to your body while you are pregnant.  Example; a few nights ago I woke up and both legs had gone numb, which was surprising to say the least. Pregnant/alone/hypochondriac Blayne would have convinced herself she was starting down a road to paralysis and called the doctor, but instead I woke up and texted my slightly further along pregnant friend Callie something like, "strangest thing happened last night... woke up and couldn't feel either leg!!!!"  After a few minutes she wrote back, "yea, happens all the time, no big deal."  Thus a panic attack/trip to the hospital/call to the doctor was completely averted.  If you are pregnant, my advice to you is to get some pregnant friends ASAP.  Can't live without them.

2. A Pregnancy Pillow

Charlotte Pillow

I'm not going to go into this one so much because it's just obvious.  If you are pregnant it's your best friend.  Get one.  I am actually the proud owner of two (thank you Lex), and I use the both... unless Jimmy or Charlotte steals one, which happens surprisingly often.  See Charlotte, that little pillow thief. (Above she took over a head pillow, not a pregnancy pillow, but you get the idea)

3. A good pair of Jeans.

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I bought this pair of jeans at A Pea in the Pod when I was about 2 months pregnant (don't judge... I've dreamt my whole life of an elastic waistband).  Now, before you go judging me about how expensive they are, let me tell you, I've worn them every single day except for 5, and the only reason I didn't wear them those days is because they HAD to be washed.   By the end of this pregnancy, these jeans will have cost about $1.50 per day, which is my best pregnancy investment to date.  The sales lady at a A Pea in the Pod told me this was the most popular seller because the jean has a little elastic in it, which makes it easier to move.

4. The parent exchange group on Facebook.

If you live in Buckhead, there is a group called "The Buckhead Brookhaven Parent Exchange" that my friend Meredith asked me to join.  It's a group of moms in the area who sell used children's clothes/furniture/toys that they don't need.  So far I've bought a pregnancy pillow, bouncy chair, pack and play, and a glider for a grand total of $105... now that's a savings you can funnel right back into a good pair of maternity jeans. ;)

5. A good pregnancy blog.

I like two.

Rabit Stew - this cute girl wrote a week by week account of her pregnancy and delivery.  I love reading it every week.  She's funny and real and has the nerve to write about stuff that I don't...

Pregnant Chicken - Funny writer who reviews everything pregnancy and baby related.  I like.

And now...

Somebody buy this house. Glennis Beacham has it listed, and it's one of my very favorites.  3955 Northside Drive.  It's the perfect place to raise a family.  There is a huge front yard, an even bigger back yard with beautiful gardens, screened-in porch, massive family room and a studio space on the third floor!  See?  Perfect.



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Have a great week everybody!  I'll think of you from my massage bed.  Not.

- Blayne Macauley

Win $100 Gift Card from Home Depot + 1038 Swathmore Drive + Botanical Gardens Nights of Lights

Last night was girls night.

First we went to the Block and Brayer event and Scout for the Home.  I love all the new patterns and definitely picked up a few Christmas presents... sorry to ruin the surprise!  Scout for the Home still has a lot of the Bags and Poufs and Pillows, so be sure to run by and check them out before Christmas.

Remember, You can enter to win one of these bags by clicking here!

Next we went over to Houston's for dinner.  To read about my Houston's obsession click here.

photo 1

Then we headed over to the Botanical Gardens Nights of lights :)  It was really fun and magical.  Ginny especially loved it and kept saying, "I really don't want to to be over!"

photo 4

photo 15

We had a wonderful time (highlighted by some apple cider with hot buttered rum), and I definitely suggest it for getting into the holiday spirit :)

Up next I wanted to show you some photos I took for Glennis Beacham's listing at 1038 Swathmore Drive.  We've had a ton of activity on this house because it's laid out so well and in a price point that's really moving right now.  If you are looking for a home in this price range I suggest you make an appointment to see it ASAP.

1038 Swathmore46

There is a sweeping front lawn, and it's on a quite street.1038 Swathmore43

I love getting a pet picture!

1038 Swathmore17

Graceful arched foyer.

1038 Swathmore18

Living room with view to dining room and kitchen.

1038 Swathmore24

1038 Swathmore25

New kitchen with skylights and walk-in pantry.

1038 Swathmore27

My favorite part of this house is that you can stand at the kitchen sink and look out to the back yard...

1038 Swathmore39

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1038 Swathmore34

... and it's a pretty amazing backyard!

While I was shooting the house the homeowner was using a handheld leaf blower that was really cool and very helpful for a photoshoot.  When I asked her where she got it she said Home Depot and suggested I register there.  Needless to say I've been spending a lot of time on the Home Depot website!

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I've been a Home Depot girl since the age of 3.

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My uncle Rod was building my parent's house at the time.  Since I wasn't in school yet, I had tons of time to ride back and forth to Home Depot every day with him to pick up supplies.

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Whenever he needed to go to Home Depot, he would come find me and tell me to go climb in the truck.

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I would run through the house looking for Ya yelling, "Ya.... Ya... I'm goin' to Home Pepo (I was 3)!!!"  Then I'd go climb in the truck and get ready to go.

And that's why, for the rest of my life, I'll never shop anywhere else!

Today we are giving away a $100 Gift Certificate to Home Depot.  

To enter, just like or share this post on Facebook.

Contest ends 12/12/12 at 12pm EST. (btw, that's the very last consecutive date ever... mind blowing!)

Gave a great weekend everybody!

To receive this blog by email, click here.

To follow me on twitter click here.

To follow me on Pinterest click here. 

Win an Ice Milk Apron! + The Christmas Card Debate

Well.  Tree's not decorated.

That's right.  Two college educated adults vs. one Christmas tree, and we lost!

The tree won't stand up straight.  We have leveled and bolted and un-bolted and raised half with paper and DONE EVERYTHING.  We are clearly not handy enough to properly balance a tree.  In fact, my uncle is going to have to come over tonight and put some sort of wedge into the stand to make sure the tree won't fall.

Granted, I might be a little bit paranoid.  My tree fell a few years ago and broke my two favorite ornaments.  Thank God the few I have from my Grandmother were ok, but I did lose two.  Ever since then I've been a paranoid freak about making sure the tree is in the stand properly.  This one keeps leaning, and I think I'm about to drive Jimmy nuts about it.  I've probably said whined the phrase, "But Jimmy... the tree's leaning... I sure hope it doesn't fall into your tv and break it," about 50 times.  I don't know how he puts up with me.

Oh wait, it's because I cook him delicious meals.

Last night I made him delicious gluten free tacos...  And I got so frustrated over the tree that I broke down and had a glass of wine.  I know.  I'm a failure, and I'm going to the gym to run tonight.  #ugh

For any of you looking for an incredible bottle of wine, you need to buy Lucinda & Millie.  Just like any educated wine drinker, I bought this bottle because of the name.  I love Lucinda Williams, I had a dog named Millie, and we all know I love chickens (remember my chicken coop?).  And that's how I found my favorite wine.  It's so drinkable and wonderful (see- the words of a true wine critic).  You can purchase it at the Buckhead Whole Foods, but they don't carry it all the time.  When they do have it I usually grab a few bottles just to have on hand.  It's so reasonably priced, and all of you should own it... unless you're trying to avoid wine for 30 days like me.  There's still half a bottle at the house, so we'll see what happens tonight. :)

Usually when I'm cooking and drinking wine I wear an apron... and I found the best apron around!

My friend Ashley makes these BEAUTIFUL aprons called Ice Milk Aprons.  I always see them at the Trinity Spotlight on Art.  People love them!  I am 100% getting one for myself this year... and a few for Christmas gifts!  Shhhh.  Don't tell.

Ice Milk Apron 2

The packaging is just as beautiful as the aprons.

Ice Milk Apron 1

Wouldn't it be fun to put that under the tree?  The call them "a gourmet line of heirloom aprons," and I love the back story!

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To win your own Ice Milk Apron, please click here and like them on Facebook.  Then come back to THIS POST and leave a comment telling me your favorite thing to cook for the Holidays.

Contest ends 12/7/12 at 12PM EST.

And now I need a bit of advice...  I love Christmas (see Jimmy's Christmas stocking above... I ordered it especially for him last year), and I've been waiting my whole life to be able to send out my own Christmas card.  December is the only month when I check the mail every singe day (sometimes I skip a day because getting bills puts me in a bad mood-don't judge).  I go to the mailbox as soon as I get home and look for Christmas cards.  I keep them on the fridge all year long... which may be strange, but whatever.  I've always dreamed of the day when I could send out my own.  I've always wanted to wait until I was married to send out a Christmas card, which I know is dumb because I love getting cards from my friends who aren't married.  My favorite Christmas card of 2011 was my friend Emily and her dog Bernie.  It's been on the fridge for a year, and I smile every time I see it.  I'm not sure why I've waited so long... but I do know it has to do with wanting to be married first.

Well, here we are at Christmas, and I want to send out a card.  I'm not married, but does being engaged count?  We've been sending out a lot of mail this year, so I'm kind of thinking it might be nice to wait until next year.  I don't know.  I'm very confused.  Please share your opinion with me.

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Now to take our minds off that debacle let's look at some photos I took of Susan Cross' new listing at 1776 Nancy Creek Bluff.  I loved this home the moment I walked in and think you will too!

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See, you could win the Ice Milk Apron and wear it in this kitchen!

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Obsessed with these painted floors!

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Porch perfect for this time of year! :)

That's all folks!  Remember to enter to win an apron :)

To win your own Ice Milk Apron, please click here and like them on Facebook.  Then come back to THIS POST and leave a comment telling me your favorite thing to cook for the Holidays.

See you tomorrow for a Block and Brayer giveaway!

Don't forget to enter to win a free family photo session with photographer Katie Oblinger!

To receive this blog by email, click here.

To follow me on twitter click here.

To follow me on Pinterest click here. 


Win a Photo Session with my Favorite Photographer, Katie Oblinger!

Up next for 30 days of Giveaways, photographer Katie Oblinger generously offered to give away a a 30 minute photo session + 10-12 high res, edited images.  This is such a great offer!

She is so good with people, especially children!

Katie is my FAVORITE portrait photographer in Atlanta, and she just agreed to help shoot my wedding, so you know I have to love her!!!

A few months ago she took some photos of Jimmy and me, and I thought they turned out really well!

Don't you think?

To enter all you have to do is like Katie Oblinger Photography  on facebook, and then comment on THIS BLOG telling me why you would like to win the 1/2 hour photo session and edited images.

NOTE:  You must either live in or be able to get to metro Atlanta in order to win this giveaway.

The Contest ends Thursday, December 6th at Noon.

A few other updates :)

On Saturday Jimmy and I got our tree!

Of course we went to Home Depot.

Then we went out to watch the UGA game with my Dad and Missy...  Charlotte was in blackout.  Of course.


We had a nice afternoon/evening by the fire.  I wish the game had a different outcome, but we didn't let it ruin our night :)

We went to The Whiskey Gentry show at variety Playhouse, and I swear it was their best one yet!  The crowd went wild when they played "All I Want for Christmas is You."

We finished up he weekend by watching our BFF in You, Me and Dupree yesterday and eating some leftover soup.

Tonight?  We decorate!

A few weeks ago I shot 534 Collier Road for Erin Yabroudy. I could not believe the value and location of this home!  I wish I could buy it myself!

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534 Collier02

Click here to see more photos.

I'll see you back here tomorrow for another giveaway!!!

It's not to late to enter to win dinner at Mi Cocina... so click here to enter.


P.S. I ate some tortilla chips this weekend, so I guess I better learn how to run a mile :( :( :( :( #cantstayaway

To receive this blog by email, click here.

To follow me on twitter click here.

To follow me on Pinterest click here. 

Whatever happened with... (water bill, diet, wedding plans) and a new listing from Anne Powers!

There are so may things to tell you guys!!!

Last week, Glennis and I went to the Who's Who in Luxury Real Estate conference in Scottsdale, Arizona.  This is one of our favorite conferences.  They always have great speakers, and the conferences are always held in really cool places.  (Remember last year when we went to San Diego, and the year before when we went to Seattle?)

Except this time it wasn't cool, it was HOT! :)

But there were tons of pools there :)

On Wednesday we went to the awards dinner, and I got an award called "Outstanding Social Media Savvy."

I was THRILLED!  Over the years Beacham has gotten a lot of awards for our magazine, our print marketing and our marketing package, but this is our first award for social media.

It means so much to me because I run the social media campaign here at Beacham, and I am really proud of what we've accomplished.  We have this blog, which was ranked #5 real estate blog in the world last year.  A few months ago we launched a new Beacham Blog, we have more fans on Facebook than any other real estate company in Atlanta, we are very active on Twitter, and we even have a new Pinterest account.

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is that people read THIS blog, and they remember what I talk about!  Every time it happens I do a double take.  Over the last few months I've run into people I haven't talked to in a year or so and they will say "what happened with your water bill," 0r "how is that diet going?"  A lot of times it happens when I'm introduced to someone for the first time.  I'll shake their hands and they say, "how are the wedding plans coming along?  I read about them on your blog?"  That happened to me a lot this past week in Arizona.  It made me realize two things... one, that people actually take the time to read the blog, and two, that I've left a lot of loose ends!

First thing's first... the water bill.

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Read this story to see the initial story of what happened with my $9,000 water bill.  A few weeks later I wrote this post explaining that the City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management replaced my water meter and wiped away everything but $800, which they said I still owed them.  I decided to wait a few months and collect a few bills.  Every bill I've gotten has been under $50, so I clearly had one of those bad water meters that are all over the city.  Now I just have to go back before the board, argue my case one more time and hope they erase the final $800 balance.  WSB actually interviewed me about the water issue last week, but my hair looked so horrendous I just cannot post it here.  I've  since stopped using leave-in conditioner. ;)

In a huge karmic joke, I actually walked over my water meter last night and the top was off just slightly.  It slipped off and my foot fell INTO the water meter hole.  It left three big scrapes on my leg, and it's all bruised today.  I guess the water department is out to get me one way or another!

Next loose end?

The Dukan Diet.  I started the Dukan Diet about a month ago for two reasons. I wanted to lose a few more pounds before the wedding, and I was also just having a lot of stomach pain.  I did the Dukan Diet for about 2 weeks and lost 4 lbs.  I guess that's not a huge amount of weight, but it was 3/4 of the weight I wanted to lose, so I would consider it fairly effective.

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At the same time I started the Dukan Diet I also gave up gluten and dairy in hopes that it would help my stomach pain.  My friend Ginny also suggested I go see Dr. Tasneem Bhatia.  She is a holistic doctor here in Atlanta who was on Dr. Oz and went to Westminster.  I loved her!  When I went to see her I still had significant stomach pain even thought I had dropped the gluten and dairy.  I also had headaches and low energy, which was a result of all the meat I was eating.  She did a lot of test and got me all turned around.  She put me on a low acid diet, kept me off the gluten and dairy and got me some supplements.  I've kept the 4 lbs off and feel SO MUCH BETTER now.  If any of you are interested in holistic medicine I recommend her 150%!  She spent a lot of time with me and listened and really tried to figure out a way to help me.  Please email me if you have any specific questions about her.

And now a wedding update...

We did a food tasting, YUM!  The food at The Grand Bohemian is amazing.  I even liked the sea bass, and I don't even like fish!

And we picked out a save the date. We are so excited because it's orange, the best color ever.We picked out flowers :)  We decided to work with Flora in Asheville.  She is going to do a beautiful mix of succulents for me.  It was really fun talking to her.  She totally understood what I wanted.

And we will end with a house...

A few weeks ago I shot this house at 2128 Lucerne Lane.  Anne Powers has this house listed, and I loved it!

2128 Lucerne Lane17

2128 Lucerne Lane22

2128 Lucerne Lane26

2128 Lucerne Lane31

2128 Lucerne Lane33

2128 Lucerne Lane47

2128 Lucerne Lane49

2128 Lucerne Lane74

2128 Lucerne Lane77

Isn't it pretty?  The kitchen is so wonderful.  it opens to the family room and breakfast area.  The whites and greens go together so well.  The master bedroom suite is also large and cozy with a huge master bath and fireplace.  The gazebo pictures show a large common area in the neighborhood.   To find out more about this house please visit

Talk to you guys soon!


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Water Bill Update+ Dutch Colonial Masterpiece!

Wow!  My water story went viral! I was on AOL, Yahoo the Huffington Post and on TV three times!  The people from Fox & Friends even called me!

Screen Shot 2012-07-05 at 10.55.18 AM

See that nice screen shot of me?  ha ha.

Well, I wish I could say that all the publicity fixed the problem.  It didn't.  The City of Atlanta Department of Wetershed Management DID replace my meter, so that's a huge step in the right direction.  They also said they would erase the $6,00o bill that I got last month.  That was human error that occurred after they put on the data logger.  They also erased the next two highest bills, which were for several thousand dollars.  That leaves me with a $900 balance.  I still don't think that is fair since I have been overplaying them for a year.  It also does not totally solve the problem of why the bill has been so crazy.  I had another plumber come out (the 4th) to confirm there were no leaks.  Now I have to get a 5th plumber to come out at the same time as a person from the city, which is called a water audit.  After the audit I have to go back to the water board appeal hearing.  I am so tired of dealing with this.  I have put at least 40 or 50 hours into dealing with this for the past year.  I am just so ready to have a normal water bill and get back to life as usual.

Moving along...

I shot this amazing Dutch Colonial home a few weeks ago.  It is located at 537 Hillside Drive with interior design by Mandy Culpepper.  Listed by Erin Yabroudy and Wendy Wood Leebern.

It's been a while since I was totally floored by a house... and I was thrilled to pull into this driveway!

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS00

It feel like you are in Europe as soon as you hit the gravel.

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS08

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS10

I started outside photographing the grounds.  It was all so lush and perfectly landscaped.

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS12

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS14

Loving this bench!

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS15

You know my favorite color is orange!

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS17

No, the house does not come with this super cute dog!537 Hillside Drive -FMLS21

I could take a snooze on this hammock, especially after my late night last night watching fireworks at Cherokee!

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS23

There is a treehouse!  My entire adult life I've wanted to build myself a treehouse... although I would NOT run water to it!  (re: my $9,000 water bill).537 Hillside Drive -FMLS27

I love this picture because of that swing...  If I knew where that was from I would def register for it.  Awesome!

When I was finished with the grounds I headed inside...

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS31

The foyer reminds me a little bit of our famous Neel Reid House on Andrews.537 Hillside Drive -FMLS29

Office with fireplace off of the foyer.537 Hillside Drive -FMLS30Another view from the office back into the foyer.

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS33

This is the view right as you walk into the front door.  Love the carpet!  537 Hillside Drive -FMLS34

This is the dining room to the right of the foyer.

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS45

I love the kitchen!  Any type of exposed shelving always gets me... and the stainless steel island... oh my.

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS46

This kitchen opens to this amazing breakfast room, which opens to the porch.  Those chairs are fantastic!

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS47

This is the view looking back into the kitchen.  Great looking!

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS38

The formal living room is off the kitchen and the library.  The red is such a bold choice and works so well.  I'm also slightly obsessed with the bird painting above the fireplace (it looks kind of like the shirt I am wearing on the news in the screen shot at the top of this post).

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS50

This hallway leads from the kitchen to the great room.  That's a great coffee table/ottoman.

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS51

This is my favorite room in the house.  I'm a sucker for cathedral wood ceilings... AND cow rugs... and framed American flags.  Duh.

537 Hillside Drive -FMLS56

Loving the color of the walls and the fun pillows!

For more information on this great house (and upstairs pictures), please check out Erin Yabroudy's blog.


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"Beacham Series" Party Tomorrow Night + Catch Up!

I'm sorry ok.  I know I have been gone forever.  If it makes you feel any better, the latest issue of "The Beacham Series" is finished!  Thank God.  It is a massive amount of work for three people to do... but Laura and Rod and I managed to finish it up and are convinced it is "the best one ever" (quoting Glennis).  Tomorrow night is "The Beacham Series" party, but before we go into that, lets play a quick game of catch up.  Here's what's happened in the past month...

Glennis and I went to the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World conference in Orlando.  According to, Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® ( is the largest network of top independent local and regional brand-name brokerage firms in the residential sector of real estate. The 550 firms affiliated with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® are represented by 4,600 offices and 140,000 associates in more than 30 countries worldwide. The organization's leadership is demonstrated by the fact that its affiliates comprise 15 of the top 25 real estate companies in the country. Collectively, LeadingRE affiliates produced nearly 800,000 home sales valued at $225 billion in the U.S. in 2010. In addition, LeadingRE locally-branded affiliates hold the Number One position in sales in 40% of the top 96 markets in the U.S., more than any national franchise organizations. For complete information on LeadingRE statistics, visit  <--  BIG DEAL. :)

We won first place in the Property Brand Advertising category of the marketing contest!

We also got second place in the "New Media" category...  so many thanks to all of you for reading this blog...  Thank you! Thank you!

Glennis and I worked the whole time, but we took a few minutes to stick our feet in the pool...

and celebrate our wins with a Miami Vice.

Jimmy and Charlotte were very proud of us!

Once we got back I went straight into picking a cover for "The Beacham Series."

Rod and Laura and I went over to Janey Lowe's listing at 94 Peachtree Way and started scouting shots.

We loved this porch shot...

We also loved this picture going into the family room.  Isn't that archway pretty?

Here is Rod setting up for a shot through the front door.

There I am holding the reflector. :)

After we picked the cover we had to get the ad designed for the WINNER OF THE AD SPACE COMPETITION: Calligraphy by Kristen Flournoy Hay

We were thrilled that she won, and we love her ad, don't you?

Screen Shot 2012-04-18 at 3.43.31 PM

After the ad was ready, we sent the magazine out to Tucker Castleberry to get printed.

That was a cause for celebration at Local Three!

I spent last week at Tucker Castleberry making sure all the colors were right.

The magazine looked amazing...  So I left it in Kent's capable hands and went to Palm Beach with my love to see his family.


We had such a nice time, and I came back refreshed and ready for "The Beacham Series" party tomorrow from 5:30 to 8 PM.

House 3

The party is at Janey Lowe's listing on 94 Peachtree Way.  The house is such a treat.  According to Janey's remarks: Stunning to the studs renovation & restoration of this 1900 era home designed by Frank Neely & Davey Construction. Photographed & published nationally. Sweeping front lawn leads to porch with redwood floors. Bright family kitchen with walnut island, highest end appliances, 2 dishwashers, 2 refrigerators, hand-painted custom cabinetry, walk-in pantry, bfast area, all opening to a fireside den. Handsome study w/exquisite hand stained built-ins& brass lighting. Mstr bdrm suite with its own sitting area, dual walk-in-closets, 3 large other bedrooms. Herringbone brick patio & fireplace. 2 car garage w/full guest house.

Here is the amazing news: this house is already under contract!  So, this really is your last chance to see it!

Here are a few photos just to get you in the mood to see an amazing house.

fireplace detail

front door and living room


Front porch from front steps

Kitchen to breakfast

living room

master bath 4

master Bedroom


side porch (1)

I hope to see you all tomorrow night!  Email me if you have any questions.

Screen Shot 2012-04-18 at 3.26.20 PM

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That Dog is Such a Ham. Aren't We All?

Hey kids.  Did you all have a nice weekend?  I sure did.  I went down to spend time with my cousins in Warner Robbins.  I always feel better after a little family time. Yesterday my good friend Katie Oblinger did a photo shoot with Jimmy and me.  She is an amazing baby photographer and trying to get into couples photography.  She asked if we would mind being her "test couple."  Turns out Jimmy and I are really Hammy with the camera.

So Hammy that I forced Katie to iPhone picture me a picture from her camera.  I am sooo excited.  A lot of times when I take pictures for people and they ask me over and over when they will be ready I'm like, "just give me a little time."  Well, now I AM one of those people!  I am just sitting around twirling hair waiting to see those pictures!  Ha Ha.

While I am twirling I thought I would show you some pictures from the home of another ham...  this puppy!


705 Norfleet, NW (Listed by Rachel Farmer) is home to one of the cutest dogs ever... and the fact that he loves being in pictures makes him even cuter.

Front 5

Rachel asked me to come take photos of this beautiful newer (2008) home located in the sought-after neighborhood of Springlake.  I was immediately drawn to the large front porch across the front of the home.  I was also drawn to the little dog hanging out on the front porch.  Can you see him?  It's the little white spot right at the bottom of the front door.

Dining room 2

This dining room opens right out on the the front porch.  It would be perfect for the type of weather we are having right now in Atlanta!

Office with doors closed

This living room/office also opens to the front porch.  The wall on the right pops out and reveals a work space behind them.  It is such a great idea!

to front door

There's my little friend again hanging out by the front door.  Don't you love that stairway?  The railings are beautiful!  I also like those stools a lot.


The kitchen in this home is amazing.  Those glass cabinets on the right are so cool.  I'm not sure I've seen any like them.  Check out the red knobs on the stove.  What a fun pop of color!

Family Room

This family room is located right off the kitchen... and guess what's to the right?

back patio 2

This beautiful porch!  Is that perfection or what?  I know where I would be spending all my time!

Master bedroom

The master also opens up to it's own private porch.  Can you have too many porches?  In a word, no.

Porch off of master

Here we are on the master porch.  Since you all know how much I enjoy a glass of wine... wouldn't this be a perfect place for one?  I thought so!

To see more of this home, including the beautifully finished terrace level, check out the listing here.

See you guys later... I will be trying to find other ways to occupy my time while I wait for those pictures!!

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395 Beverly in Ansley Park

Hi everyone!  I just want to thank you all for the tremendous outpouring of support you gave me about Sister.  I appreciate it so much, and it really made the grieving process easier.  Thank you so much. I got this ring off of ETSY last week.  It's such a nice reminder of Sister, and it allows me to keep her with me.

I can't help but share these little photos of Charlotte with you guys!  She is so smart!  She learned to fetch is like 10 minutes...  I'm such a proud mom!

Here she is with her favorite ball!  She is VERY serious about fetching!

Here she is snuggling on my chest.  I am VERY serious about snuggling!

Can you see her little face?  She is upside down.  She is kind of hard to get a picture of since she is so dark :)

Moving along to more important things... Erin Yabroudy and I went on the show to discuss her starting a team here at Beacham and launching her own website!

We also took a lo0k at her gorgeous listing at 395 Beverly Road.  Built by Gail Cook, this is one of the most beautiful homes in Ansley Park.  I had the privilege of shooting the home, and I wanted to share a few photos with you.

front 1-1

This is the front, which located directly across from Ansley Golf Club.

golf course (1)

This is your view from the front porch!

main hallway 1

Foyer.  Love that detail in the hardwoods and groin vaulting.

kitchen 2

Design Galleria kitchen.

keeping room-1

Keeping room off kitchen.

Beverly porch

Beautiful porch overlooking the back yard and pond.

living room-1

Formal living room off of kitchen.  Great fireplace.

dining room-1 Large dining room with Juliet balconies.

bar to dining room-1

I love this bar area that runs between the kitchen and the dining room.  I am always such a sucker for those star light fixtures!

upper office

Office/study on the main level just off the foyer.

Master (1)

Master bedroom.master bath

Spacious master bath.master bathyub

Love this bathtub!

basement landing-1

And we end in the beautifully finished terrace level!

What doe you guys think?  I just love Ansley Park, and this is such a great example of the beautiful homes located there!

Have a great week!

NEW ART, an update on your favorite house, and a quick favor (please).

Hey kids.  How is your Thursday going?  I for one am ready to kick it into high gear with this Holiday Party thing.  Bring on the egg nog (which I've never actually tasted, but is sounds Christmas-ie).

Love the holiday parties.  Two years ago I wore this dress (detail of dress in above photo) to the Christmas party, and it was glorious. :)  Tonight I am going to my dad's company party and am trying to decide on an outfit...  To see what I choose become a fan of this blog on The Facebook and I'll post a picture tonight.  duh.

I'm thinking I am going to wear this hot little number I got from Urban Outfitters.  I spied it in the window when we were in Chicago and then waited for it to go on sale on the website for like 70% off...  it came Monday.  #cheap.  The only problem is it's a little short and creates a bit of a middrift issue...  so we'll see what happens.  #gametimedecision

Changing the subject...

As a little Christmas present to me, I was hoping you guys would take these two quick polls.  I am trying to reshape the focus of this blog.  I would assume most of you come here to read about houses, but I'm not quite sure.  Recently I have been trying to broden the focus of the blog a little bit and include more community happenings, things about my personal life, and fashion.  I just want a little feedback.  Maybe you love knowing what is going on with me... or maybe you're like, "shut up Blayne and show me more houses."  Who knows?  Oh... that's right.... you do.  Please please take a quick moment to answer these questions so I can taylor the blog to what you want.  Let's be honest, if you guys don't like the content why am I even writing this?  If you have more you would like me to know (please) you can email me at or leave me a comment at the bottom or this post.  There is also a place where you can fill out your own answers, and I am always looking for laughs, so feel free to be as funny as you want.  (You can choose multiple answers as well)

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Thanks so much for doing that guys!

Moving right along...

Remember this house?  I wrote about it here in what I called a "Once in a Lifetime Post."  Sold by Linda Williams and Neno Schildgen of Beacham & Company in 2010.  Architecture by Neel Reid and Duane Stone.

Interiors by Margaux Interiors Limited

Best bedroom I've ever seen in any house anywhere....  now that's saying something!

This is the only home in Atlanta I can actually say this blog helped sell.  The owner loved the post I wrote about the house (to read that post click here) that she ended up buying it!  Go This Photographer's Life!!  It was one of my proudest blog moments.

Through the blog I met the new owner of the home.  We became fast friends.  Apparently she is a fan of my art...  yippie!  She is working with Margaret Bosbyshell and Clary Bosbyshell of Margaux Interiors Limited to redesign the interior of the home.  I had the privilege of getting a sneak peak into the new interiors, and they are unbelievable!  According to the homeowner, "Margaret's experience and talent paired with Clary's edge and fashion-forward approach is the one-two punch that is perfect!"I am so excited to see how they improve something I thought was perfect in the first place!!

The new homeowner actually commissioned me to take photographs of her husband's plane.  I am so honored to have some work hanging in MY FAVORITE house in Atlanta!  I am also so honored that Margaret and Clary said it was ok to use my art.  They have amazing taste.

I love commission work.  It's always so interesting to be presented with an idea but allowed to put your own spin on it.  (If you are interested in commissioning your own art from me, please contact me at  She took me out to the hanger, showed me the plane, and said I could do whatever I wanted.  Here are the pieces I came up with...

What do you think?  I hope you all have a nice Thursday :)

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